Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas felis ipsum, semper ac libero sed, lacinia imperdiet lectus. Praesent id lectus at magna porttitor feugiat a sed augue. Cras quam arcu, posuere at scelerisque sed, venenatis a nulla.


Our clients are courageous and ambitious, striving to achieve maximum efficiency and profitability for their companies.
They trust us because we help optimise their operations and automate inefficient processes.



Vi optimerer processerne i din virksomhed, effektiviserer udnyttelsen af dine ressourcer og sikrer en stabil og kontinuerlig udvikling af din forretning.

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Automatiseret økonomihåndtering, der frigør din administration og dit bogholderi for tunge og gentagne opgaver.

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Brug din tid på det værdiskabende, og lad vores software robotter klare de manuelle og gentagne opgaver.

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Vi sikrer, at I træffer velovervejede beslutninger inden for områder som due diligence, automatisering og digital transformation. Skab tryghed og klarhed med vores ekspertrådgivning, der fremmer virksomhedens succes.

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We optimise your processes, streamline the utilisation of your resources, and ensure a stable and continuous development of your business.


We assist businesses looking to streamline their workflows, allowing your time to be invested in growing your business at the lowest possible cost.

We identify optimisation potential in each business through our in-depth analysis and define an individual strategy, which we naturally implement and refine over time.

We utilise technologies such as AI and RPA to automate repetitive tasks, enhancing and evolving your optimisation alongside developments.


Automated financial management of your finances, freeing up your administration and accounting from heavy and repetitive tasks.


We automate your workflows through digital implementations such as Automated Finance & Accounting, Financial Management, and Business Intelligence.

At the same time, we provide you with a transparent digital overview that you can access in real-time, along with a dedicated financial consultant who understands your business.

This way, you are always updated and can make important decisions based on well-informed data. We continuously optimise your Finance CORE to always meet your business needs.

Peter Møller Jensen
CEO, labelless media

"Med NordicWorkflow har vi automatiseret - og automatiserer stadig - det meste af vores forretning. Helt konkret har vi pt. 52 robotter, der eksekverer knap 150,000 små opgaver HVER måned."

Jesper Hartvigsen
CEO, Contrast Company

"Takket være NordicWorkflow arbejder vi nu problemfrit, som en samlet enhed, der giver hver enkelt medarbejder mulighed for at fokusere på kerneopgaven."

Oliver Seiffert
CEO, Poetype

"NordicWorkflowhar været en game-changer for mig selv og min virksomhed. De har ikke kun forbedret vores effektivitet, men også øget den overordnede tilfredshed blandt medarbejderne."

Jimmi Pedersen

"NordicWorkflow har tidligt fra start sat sig ind i vores forretning og vores mål, hvilket har betydet at de har kunnet bygge skræddersyede systemer og processer, der har effektiviseret LAZZAWEB betydeligt."

Martin Sølberg
CEO, Click In

"Jeg anbefaler alle virksomheder at arbejde sammen med NordicWorkflow, for man får en indsigt i sin egen forretning og et overskud, som man ikke troede var muligt."

What our clients think
Martin Sølberg
CEO, Click In
"Prior our collaboration with NordicWorkflow, we had many manual processes, and it was challenging for us to gain an overall view and clarify all processes across the company. Because of that, we were adaptable and prepared to restructure our workflows. Throughout the entire process, we feel that everything has been well-managed, and we could rely on the fact that NordicWorkflow has achieved significant success with other companies in our industry. I recommend all companies to work with NordicWorkflow because it gives you more insights about your own business and a level of efficiency that you didn't think was possible."
Peter Møller Jensen
CEO, labelless media
"With NordicWorkflow, we have automated - and are still automating - most of the business. Specifically, we currently have 52 robots executing nearly 150,000 small tasks EACH month. We have Business Intelligence on par with companies that are 10 times larger than us. However, one should be a bit cautious. One becomes addicted to optimising and automating."
Oliver Seiffert
CEO, Poetype
"NordicWorkflow has been a game-changer for myself and my company. Earlier, I often felt that our processes were fragmented, and it was difficult to keep track of all tasks and projects. Now, my daily routine has become more streamlined, and I have a clear overview of all tasks, deadlines, and responsibilities. It has not only improved our efficiency but also increased the overall satisfaction of our team, as they now have the necessary tools to work more effectively."
Jesper Hartvigsen
CEO, Contrast Company
"Thanks to NordicWorkflow, we now work cohesively as a unit, seamlessly collaborating and allowing individuals to focus on their core responsibilities. This shift enables us all to concentrate on the most valuable aspects of our jobs, resulting in higher employee satisfaction throughout the organisation."
Jimmi Pedersen
"Our collaboration with NordicWorkflow has been of great significance to our business. Right from the beginning, NordicWorkflow took the time to understand our operations and objectives, enabling them to build tailor-made systems and processes that have significantly streamlined LAZZAWEB. The efficient automations and processes created by NordicWorkflow have freed up considerable time for us, allowing us to focus much more on business growth."
Vores Partnere
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Monday is a project management tool that helps company’s to manage projects, tasks and team assignments. With monday you can custom make your workflow, so it fits you and your team in one system.
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Sales CRM, that keeps all information in one place. Everything from calendar, mails, tasks, notes, phone call information etc. in one workflow. Pipedrive helps you to gather all information, so that you and your colleagues have access to your company's core pipeline.
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Sales CRM, that keeps all information in one place. Everything from calendar, mails, tasks, notes, phone call information etc. in one workflow. Pipedrive helps you to gather all information, so that you and your colleagues have access to your company's core pipeline.
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Integromat is the most advanced platform online for automation of manual workflows. This means that you and your colleagues can spend more time on where you have your strengths.
Sales CRM, that keeps all information in one place. Everything from calendar, mails, tasks, notes, phone call information etc. in one workflow. Pipedrive helps you to gather all information, so that you and your colleagues have access to your company's core pipeline.
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Sales CRM, that keeps all information in one place. Everything from calendar, mails, tasks, notes, phone call information etc. in one workflow. Pipedrive helps you to gather all information, so that you and your colleagues have access to your company's core pipeline.
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Databox helps you to understand business. This is done by gathering and visualizing all data in the organization. Thereby making you able to track all your KPIs in real time.
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Sales CRM, that keeps all information in one place. Everything from calendar, mails, tasks, notes, phone call information etc. in one workflow. Pipedrive helps you to gather all information, so that you and your colleagues have access to your company's core pipeline.
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Sales CRM, that keeps all information in one place. Everything from calendar, mails, tasks, notes, phone call information etc. in one workflow. Pipedrive helps you to gather all information, so that you and your colleagues have access to your company's core pipeline.
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Pleo helps you keep control of your company’s finances. Track your purchases in real time, Keep receipts and easily export to your main financial management software.
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Databox helps you to understand business. This is done by gathering and visualizing all data in the organization. Thereby making you able to track all your KPIs in real time.
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Typeform are specialists in online form building and surveys. Their software creates dynamic forms based on user needs.
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Sales CRM, that keeps all information in one place. Everything from calendar, mails, tasks, notes, phone call information etc. in one workflow. Pipedrive helps you to gather all information, so that you and your colleagues have access to your company's core pipeline.
Being specialists means everything to us, which is why we have devoted significant resources in becoming workflow partners with the world's top experts.

Are you optimising your business?
Let’s help you get there - smarter and faster!

View cases

NordicWorkflow is a consultancy specialised in providing customised digital optimisations that streamlines your workflow. We utilise cutting-edge technology to enhance communication, improve finances, and simplify work processes across your entire organisation, freeing you from complex and redundant tasks, so you can spend your own time more efficiently.

These companies trust us
Analytics & BI
  • Live tracking of your KPI's
  • Data manipulation
  • Visualisation of your financial data and performance indicators
  • Help with what to measure and what not to
  • Workflow identification and optimisation
  • Management of digitization and automation projects
  • Your automation level and possible enhancements
  • Digitization and automation strategy
Process Spine
Process Spine
This is an analysis focused on your workflow, IT-stack and data handling/flow. The analysis maps your company's digitalization and efficiency level, both in its entirety and per employee. This results in recommendations regarding changes that needs to be implemented in order to bring your company to unforeseen new levels of efficiency, digitalisation and work-pleasure.
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Process Core
Process Core
On the basis of the SPINE analysis we select and implement SaaS systems. We adapt and tailor their functions to your exact needs, and migrate legacy data from your old systems to new ones.
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Process Engine
Process Engine
The ENGINE ensures that the data generated from your core is used to the highest extent of efficiency. We ensure this by automating your data-flow via RPA, AI, Integration, DNN and Machine Learning, depending on your needs and budget.
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Implementeringen af optimerede arbejdsgange har gjort det muligt for labelless media at udvælge og håndtere kunder af en størrelse, som ikke tidligere kunne forventes af en virksomhed på labelless’ størrelse. Et strategisk træk i forhold til at skabe en bæredygtige forretning på lang sigt.
Introduktionen af ny software og implementeringen af automatisering har givet Contrast Company flere fordele foruden, at medarbejderne er tilfredse med det intuitive overblik og den forbedrede brugervenlighed i de nye systemer.
LAZZAWEB har med stor succes minimeret fejl, strømlinet kommunikationen og internaliseret regnskabet, alt imens de har vækstet virksomheden. De har strømlinet deres processer og leverer overlegne resultater betydeligt mere effektivt.
Click in har oplevet markant forbedrede resultater gennem dybdegående gennemgang af forretningen og indsigt i de økonomiske aspekter af at drive virksomhed. De har fået et detaljeret økonomisk overblik og en langt mere effektiv håndtering af deres økonomiske processer.
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